Making Learning Visible (MLV)

Making Visible the Competent Curriculum through the Competent Child

Try the empathy lens:

Reflect on the time when you participated in a workshop where you had to only sit and listen, and remember how it made you feel.

Then reflect on a time when you were part of a workshop or a conference where there were multiple engaging things, it was very interactive, and there were wonderful experiences designed.

Keep this in mind next time when you design something. This will tell you how to timetable for such a practice in the curriculum.

Step 1

We experienced...

Since Riverside did not follow a ‘One Size fits all’ approach for teaching, learning or assessment, parents were keen to be informed and involved in this journey!

Watch Kiran share the instance that led to the creation of this process.


Our Insights

  • Children, especially key stage 1, cannot always share at home the richness of all the opportunities that they experience. Whenever we shared the learning journey with parents, they always felt more reassured!
  • When parents observed children demonstrating their performance of understanding, and saw multiple things from visits to experiences to challenges, they were able to better appreciate the competent curriculum.
  • Even though we were sending regular email updates to parents, actual evidence deepened their belief in the pedagogy. We also realised that parents ownership increased when they were invited for volunteering and mentoring.

We did not want to leave this involvement to chance but rather ensure it happened by design. Thus, making learning visible was timetabled through the year!

Step 2
What if
there was a simple way to make visible the Competent Curriculum through the Competent Child?

We designed

A simple process which gave educators the opportunity to share with parents at key milestones, the richness of the learning experiences their children have gone through!

The process that gives regular opportunity to children for making visible how they learn what they learn!

The MLV process allows the teacher and the child to reiterate with pride that learning is NOT just about studying through textbooks.

By inviting parents to get involved and enrich the coming journey, learning becomes Better Together. It also becomes a great time to connect with parents on a personal level.

Step 3

Here is What we Do

This video helps make visible the process of the MLV from ‘intention’ to ‘action’.


Watch here the overview and relevance of Making Learning Visible (MLV) as defined by School leader Nandini Parekh. Also see glimpses of the prework required for a successful MLV, what happens during the event along with post MLV Reflections.

Meet the Stakeholders:

Eduhero Itchha has been conducting MLVs at The Riverside School since 2005. Itchha is a school leader for Key stage 2 (Grade 3 to Grade 7) and is a great mentor for her co-teachers! She shares her practice and pedagogy by conducting workshops, having conversations with her colleagues on a regular basis. She takes on every challenge as an opportunity, giving her 100% to overcome it.

  • 4:49

    1) FAQ Video

    Watch Itchha share how she ensures that the entire MLV process is smoothly planned and executed.

  • 3:18

    2) Impact Video

    Watch how the MLV process impacted Itchha in her practice and the relationship with her students.

Tips for the Leader

  • Observing and experiencing an actual MLV in action with some of your teachers is a great way to be inspired and inspire the team!
  • When your teachers are having an MLV for the first time, try to be there to support them and help the parents under-stand the purpose of the process.
  • Ensure that the teachers understand that this is not a performance by the students and that the process is as important as the final product.
Step 4

Share with us your experience of how you have used this process in your context, any challenges you might have faced or just inspire us with your story :-)

Still Curious?

Write us any questions you have about this process, and we’ll get back to you.

Want feedback

Upload a glimpse of your practice - a classroom video & photos of plans, resource sheets and we’ll get back to you.

Zip all your photos into one file and upload the file here